Quote Request Form

20 on truck no crest.JPG (896675 bytes) 20 on truck rear.jpg (1020691 bytes) 20 on truck w crest.jpg (1388349 bytes)

20th Special Forces Group (Airborne)

Tube Size:
2" 1.25"
Maximum Coverage

(hides the hitch opening)

Maximum Clearance

(for off-roading enthusiasts like ourselves)

SF Crest?
SF Crest Included

(let there be no doubt whom they're tailgating)

Stealth Mode, no SF Crest

(if you don't know what you're lookin' at, you just don't know!)

Shipping Address:
First & Last Name
     Street/PO Box
Your e-mail:
Payment Preference:


 Not affiliated with American Motors Corporation, Jeep® or Daimler-Chrysler. ©1999 OffRoad Vehicle Outfitters