If I decide to play with HHO, or Brown's gas, here's where I'll put the notes.

Why do it at all?  Because either 1) this HHO stuff that folks are selling is complete crap or 2) I'm missing something.

Neither answer would surprise me.

Note: HHO is VERY DANGEROUS.  If you try to replicate what I'm doing or what anyone else has done make sure you take precautions, like ensuring any gas being produced is either completely contained or safely vented, and controlling ALL spark hazards.  If you don't and you hurt yourself, don't blame me or anyone else.  Just hope your wife got it on videotape, maybe you'll get $10,000 on AFV.  That should just about cover the hair implants on your eyebrows and forehead, a new set of hearing aids and your seeing eye dog.  Your homeowner's insurance should replace your windows for you.

You think I'm kidding, YouTube "hydrogen explosion" ...

For now, here's an initial test, essentially confirming what I read on some guy's website. When I find the link I'll post it here, because it was actually pretty informative.  Probably wouldn't have thought of using stainless steel light switch covers on my own! LOL

Video 1 - testing a two-plate stack, 12v with a charger hooked to the battery to keep it full.  Basically, the charger indicates how many amps are going into the system assuming the battery's full at the start.  This is a 2 amp run.  Conditions: 35 degrees, 54% humidity, solution of baking soda and water of unknown PH.  This setup produced 800ml of gas in 5 minutes at 14.7 amps.

Video 2 - 4-plate stack.  1 & 3 are negative, 2&4 are positive.  Same conditions as above other than pulling 19 amps.

Video 3 - same conditions as Video 2 but better lighting.

The way ahead, should there be one:

Build a bigger production tank, capture the gas and tube it into the air cleaner of my Jeep Scrambler.  It currently runs on propane.  I have a separate fuel cutoff switch, so if I can produce enough hydrogen, I should be able to turn off the propane and keep it running ... I think.  Who knows.

Endstate would be to figure out a way to isolate the hydrogen and feed that into the vehicle ... this would lower (but not eliminate) the explosion danger, as well as allow the oxygen sensor to read properly and back out the fuel curve of the gasoline injectors.

THEN we'll see if this atomized hydrogen burning the gasoline faster and therefore more efficient is a bunch of crap or not, and it won't cost me $600 to find out that it's all a lie.